Chakra Affirmation Challenge

A Yoga and Affirmation Challenge

“Every word you speak is an affirmation, the sub-conscious is always listening” – Louise Hay.

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Overview of the Challenge

  • Every day for the next 7 days you are to practice a self guided meditation and yoga practice with affirmations for each chakra (the sun salutation sequence is on the handout)

  • If you do not feel comfortable doing the yoga flow and meditation following the handout, there is also a video you can follow

  • Each day you will focus on a different chakra, starting with the base chakra

  • Pick an affirmation for each chakra from the lists below (or make your own) and write the on the on the ‘Chakra Sun Saluation’ page

  • At the beginning or end of each practice, do the short meditation

  • Every day you will journal 3 pages


Why Affirmations?

Adding affirmations to your daily routine is an incredibly simple way of creating positive thoughts. There are long term benefits of regularly practicing affirmations, when we repeat something over and over again, they begin take over our thoughts, which ultimately changes your thinking pattern. When we change the way we think, we notice a profoundly positive impact on our lives.

Pick an Affirmation

For each chakra, pick one of the following affirmations. If none of the affirmations resonate with you, feel free to make your own.

Write your chosen Affirmation’s on the ‘Chakra Sun Salutations’ page, which is in the resources section at the bottom of the page


Base (Root) Chakra

Your chakra of connection to the earth and the physical body. It is essentially your survival, it helps us to feel ‘grounded’ and present in the moment.

Base (Root) Chakra Affirmations

  • I am aware of my thoughts, feelings and body in the present moment

  • I am grounded and connected to the earth

  • I am open to new ideas

  • I let go of my past

  • I nourish my mind, body and soul



Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra (located at the lower back -sacrum) is the chakra of pleasure in life.Enjoying the little things, embracing your body and healthy sexuality.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

  • I am kind and compassionate

  • I feel good about my body

  • I express my feelings in a positive way

  • I take care of my emotional needs

  • I nurture myself

  • My feelings are the language of my soul

  • I have a healthy state of passion and sexuality in my life


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Solar Plexus Chakra

Your internal fire, the fire and drive in your belly. This is the Chakra of personal power. Located above your navel and below your sternum.

Solar Plexus Affirmations

  • I embrace my creativity

  • I fully enjoy everything I do

  • I value and trust myself

  • I am empowered and successful ion all of my ventures

  • My body is strong and healthy

  • I take responsibility for my own thoughts and feelings

  • I have the courage to be myself

  • I deeply and completely accept myself

  • My power is in the gentleness of my soul


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Heart Chakra

Love for others, and of course for yourself. Forgiveness, compassion and acceptance, all of these things are associated with you heart chakra. It is the only chakra which has two colours attached to it, either green or pink, choose the colour that resonates with you.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • I accept myself as I am

  • I accept others as they are

  • I am open to healthy and nurturing relationships

  • I forgive myself and others

  • I am grateful for all I have

  • I am loving and compassionate to myself and others

  • My emotions are balanced and in harmony with my energy



Throat Chakra

A imbalance in the throat chakra can cause both the inability to speak your truth and can also see you getting caught up in gossip.

Throat Chakra Affirmations

  • I express myself clearly in a healthy way

  • I speak my truth

  • I can say no when I need to

  • My thoughts are positive and a express myself truthfully and clearly


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Third Eye Chakra

Located in between the eyebrows, and in towards the centre of the mind, your third eye chakra is associated with your intuition

Third Eye Affirmations

  • I dwell in the present time

  • I listen to my intuition every day

  • All that I need is within me

  • I dwell in the state of presence

  • I am a timeless eternal being connected to the wisdom of the universe



Crowne Chakra

Our crown chakra is your connection with everything. Everything that is, has ever been, will ever be. In yoga it is said to connect you to the universal consciousness.

Crowne Chakra Affirmations

  • I am grounded to earth and connected to the heavens

  • I have everything I need

  • I love and trust myself

  • I am guided by my inner wisdom

  • I am at peace, whole and balanced

  • I feel connected with other beings, with heaven and earth and the whole universe

  • I honor the divine in me and in others


Print out and write your chosen affirmations into the corresponding box in the ‘Chakra Sun Salutation’ page.

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The Challenge

Practice Alone

  1. Start with a 5 minute meditation

  • Set a timer on your phone

  • Start by focusing on your breath

  • Continuously repeat the Affirmation for the day (Monday - Base/ Tuesday - Sacral/ Wednesday - Solar Plexus etc)

2. Practice 10 minutes of Sun Salutation A

After 3 rounds, stop in the pose for the Chakra you are focusing on for that day for 5 breaths every time you arrive at it, and repeat the affirmation.

  • Start with the right side (take the right foot back the first round, take the left foot back for the second round)

Guided practice

If you do not feel comfortable flowing through Sun Saluation 1 following the handout, you can follow this video.

  • Repeat the affirmation for the day during the minute silent meditation at the start and end of the practice

  • Repeat the affirmation while in the posture the corresponds to the charka (in Chakra Sun Salutation page above)


2. Daily Journal

You are going to journal daily in the morning (before or after your practice, I prefer journalling after, but see what works for you) using a technique I truly adore called ‘The Morning Pages’. This is a way to empty the mind of all of the clutter so you can move onto other things.

You will write 3 full pages every morning - no more, no less, using pen and paper, and no shorthand.

You do not write anything in particular, there is no wrong way to do this, just write exactly what you are thinking. If that is “I have nothing left to write…what is that noise outside…I need to change my sheets once I’m finished this” that is what your write.

This is not meant to be poetic or even good pieces of writing. You do not go back and read these pages (If you really wanted to wait at least 6 months.) The Morning Pages are not meant to be clever, deep, meaningful - of course they may be, but you just write every thought that comes to your mind, do not censor any of it.

When we get all of the things out of our head first thing in the morning, just watch what starts to happen, and hopefully this is something you will continue to do every morning.

Start and end each journal entry by writing down your Resolve.