The Grounding Series
This series of classes is full of self regulating practices, meditations and yoga and has been put together as an online options for people with anxiety, depression or PTSD (who are working alongside a professional).
Firstly though, I am just a yoga teacher, so these are personal recommendations based on my experiences and limited training in the area.
I have some tips below to make your practice even more enjoyable and safe, so do take a moment to read them.
Reach out if there is anything that you need. Bec x
Adding a little bit of weight, or pressure can sometimes help people to feel secure and safe. A pillow on the belly, holding something in the hands (eye pillows are great), and even wrapping the head in a towel or small blanket while lying down in meditation can be great ways to do this.
• Taking slow deep breathes can be extremely beneficial to get us into our parasympathetic nervous system, which is normally a good thing, but there are times when it is not.
• Shallow breathing keeps us in fight or flight, and sometimes this is a protection for anyone who has suffered trauma.
• If you know that you do constantly shallow breath, my advice is whenever I say in a class or meditation to focus on your breath and take deep slow breaths – replace this with ‘feel into whatever part of your body is in contact with the ground/ surface’. If you are unable to feel into different parts of your body, just imagine that you can feel into them.
• I have included one breath focused mindfulness practice to your plan. Only use this if you feel comfortable to do so. Just use it in time with your natural breathing if that feel safer for you. It is a really easy to use mindfulness method, that I feel could be really beneficial for you.
In some of the meditations, we view ourselves from the outside. I am aware that for some people, this can feel uncomfortable and can be a trigger. If you feel this could be you, I would say to stay away from any of the ‘Yoga Nidra’ meditation sessions. And know, that you can always practice meditations with your eyes open, a soft gaze focusing on one specific spot
Download and print your calendar, so you can keep a track of your progress
Your practices for this week are
5 x self-regulating and mindfulness practices. All practices are under 10 minutes
1 x meditation (So Hum Meditation)
1 x yoga practice (Calm Down)
DAY 1 = Still hands
DAY 2 = Grounding practice
DAY 3 = Butterfly breath
DAY 4 = Mindfulness of thoughts
DAY 5 = 61 point relaxation
DAY 6 = So Hum meditation
Week Two
Your practices for this week are
5 x self-regulating and mindfulness practices (same as last week)
1 x meditation (Zazen Meditation)
1 x yoga practice (Arms Flow)
DAY 1 = Still hands
DAY 2 = Grounding practice
DAY 3 = Butterfly breath
DAY 4 = Mindfulness of thoughts
DAY 5 = 61 point relaxation
DAY 6 = Zazen Meditation (16 minutes)
Week Three
Your practices for this week are
5 x self-regulating and mindfulness practices (same as last week)
1 x meditation (Totally Tranquil)
1 x yoga practice (Baby Belle)
DAY 1 = Still hands
DAY 2 = Grounding practice
DAY 3 = Butterfly breath
DAY 4 = Mindfulness of thoughts
DAY 5 = 61 point relaxation
DAY 6 = Totally tranquil meditation (18 minutes)
Week Four
Your practices for this week are
5 x self-regulating and mindfulness practices (same as last week)
1 x meditation (My beautiful glowing mind)
1 x yoga practice (Chakra Balancing)
DAY 1 = Still hands
DAY 2 = Grounding practice
DAY 3 = Butterfly breath
DAY 4 = Mindfulness of thoughts
DAY 5 = 61 point relaxation
DAY 6 = My beautiful glowing mind (15 minutes)